Project Summary


Created on 28/nov/2012 Revised on 05/jan/2013

Author: Marcello La Rocca


PyCrawler is a Breadth-first multithread crawler, keeping a queue of the URLs that are encountered. Main class is CrawlHandler. Once created, crawling can be started on any page using start_crawling(url). It is possible to crawl only one domain at the same time.

It is possible to hand over four extra parameters to start_crawling:
  • The number of threads to be started (each thread will pick up links from a shared synchronized queue and process them);
  • A max depth for the crawling (i.e. max distance of a page crawled from the starting point);
  • A limit to the number of pages crawled;
  • A delay between two consecutive requests of a single Crawler (to allow for polite crawling, default is 0.15 seconds)

The actual crawling is made by class Crawler: each instance of Crawler runs in a separate thread. A list of pages already visited is used to avoid circular redirection between pages.


Only crawls static content
  • Anchors
  • Imgs
  • Scripts
  • Stylesheets
  • Forms (only those using get method)

Discards query parameters and #fragments URLs can’t contain quotes or double quotes Relocation and forms submission by javascript are ignored Doesn’t check if tags are well formes, and well placed (f.i. if A and FORM only appears in body section) Only URLs on the same domain are listed

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